Spiritual Life
Your child will spend around 1,200 hundred hours in school each year and will be strongly influenced through that time. Even so, we fully understand that our school is not the only piece of the puzzle. We are a vessel of His church whose mission is to partner with the family and the local church to provide a Christian education and foster a love relationship with Jesus Christ. This mission, along with our vision to equip students to stand on Truth, forms the backdrop for all of the spiritual building blocks at Nebraska Christian.

Campus Culture

Accomplishing our vision of equipping students to stand on Truth is not based on any one thing or activity. Instead, we intentionally immerse students in a Christ-centered culture which permeates every aspect of their school day.
Every student begins each school day with biblical teaching through a Bible class or Chapel.
Our teachers are all believers who implement the Bible into every aspect of their lessons.
Students continue being discipled outside of the academic classroom by faith-filled Coaches, parent sponsors, and support staff.
Our arts, athletics, and other activities are not geared toward earning a trophy or the praise of men, but are opportunities to perform for the audience of One.
We conduct all of our school's activities according to Colossians 3:23-24:

NC students participate in Chapel on Wednesday mornings.
Elementary students usually recieve a sermonette, while Secondary students are presented with an expository sermon by a local pastor, Bible teacher, or other special guest.


Biblically-Integrated Curriculum
Most of our teaching curriculum is from reputable Christian publishers where the gospel and scripture are directly integrated into each lesson. When utilizing secular curricula, our faithful teachers ensure that the Christian worldview is still the lens through which learning is achieved. See more about our academic offerings on our specific "Academics" pages.