Homeschooling Opportunities
Homeschool Partnership Philosophy
Here at Nebraska Christian, we really value the parent and their divine responsibility in the spiritual and academic development of their child. With this in mind, we do our best to intentionally partner with and support families with a common sense approach. For example, we have been able to align some of our course offerings that are more likely to be appealing to homeschool families. It is worth noting that a large percentage of our students have been homeschooled prior to their transition into our school. We have found that an opportune time to transition and prepare for secondary endeavors is upper-elementary or junior high. Getting involved in sports or other elective opportunities that are more difficult to facilitate in a homeschool environment can help improve a more full transition. While transitions 7th grade and under are recommended, there may be other circumstances that merit a part-time status. All part-time status students must fit into the existing systems and schedules of the school. Each must be individually reviewed and approved by the school leadership team. administration may approve a part-time enrollment that fits.
As we partner with the family and the church to provide a Christ-centered education (our Vision, Mission, and Core Values), we are excited to support homeschooling families by offering various opportunities to help train up your child, including options for jr. high students. If you have other questions or ideas that you think the school may be able to support, please do not hesitate to contact the school so that administration might consider your request.
Elementary Enrollment Opportunity
Courses Available
- Band $75/month ($750)
- PE/Music $75/month ($750)
- *Exploratory $75/month ($750)
* Exploratory rotations include Industrial Technology, Art, Computers, & Spanish

Junior High Enrollment Opportunities
Courses Available
- Band $75/month ($750)
- PE/Music $75/month ($750)
- *Exploratory $75/month ($750)
- Activities $75/month ($750)
* Exploratory rotations include Industrial Technology, Art, Computers, & Spanish

- Volleyball
- Football
- Cross Country
- Basketball
- Wrestling
- Track and Field
- Soccer
- *Robotics
- *Quiz Bowl
* Note: 7-8 grade Cross Country, Robotics, and Quiz Bowl practice outside of school hours

Elementary Digging Deeper Day
For students in grades K-6, we host an annual Digging Deeper Day. The day starts with a large assembly featuring a special guest speaker here on NC’s campus. Then a free lunch gives everyone energy for the activities, games, or stations planned for the afternoon. The day’s goal is to dig deeper into the Truth of God’s Word and give students a unique experience they won’t forget. As this event’s date and time vary from year to year, please check with our office to inquire about the latest updates. (ph. 308.946.3836 or email