Dorm Life
Our Boys' and Girl's Dorms on campus are always a hub of activity as students learn and grow together under the watchful eyes of caring dorm parents.
In 1959, our dorm program started out as the major recruitment tool for Nebraska Christian Schools. Students from around the state of Nebraska were able to live in the dorms during the school week and return home on the weekends to be with their families. Although some traditional students still reside in the dorms, in recent years, our dorms have become the home-away-from-home for our International Program Students.

New dorm students participate in teambuilding activities at the start of the 2024-2025 school year.
Our young ladies reside in Elliot Hall, constructed in 2015. Girls have access a kitchen; a great room with comfortable areas for studying, relaxing, and socializing; two-person dorm rooms; an exercise room; and large community restrooms/shower rooms.

On a typical school day, Dorm students begin with breakfast at 7:10 am, followed by the day's classes from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. After school, students may participate in sports or other extra-curricular activities. After the evening meal, students have a dedicated study time followed by "lights out."
With our 4-day school week, dorm students have a more relaxed schedule on the off-day, but study time is still required.
Our dorms are also available to traditional students who do not live within driving distance of NC. American students will typically stay in the dorms during the school week and then go home to be with their families on weekends.
Our International Students are often taken on outings to explore cultural interests and experiences around our corner of Nebraska, Frequent dining and shopping trips to nearby cities also occur on the weekends